Dr. Amnah M Raj

Dr. Amnah Raj Best skin specialist at Cosmetique
Dr. Amnah Raj: Amnah Raj has experience of 17 years in general and cosmetic dermatology surgery and cosmetic dermatology. She is known as the female best skin specialist at Cosmetique Lahore serving patients from all over Pakistan via physical consults in clinic & through video consultations for patients around the globe. She has entirely devoted herself to her profession and performed several procedures in aesthetic dermatology and lasers. Furthermore, till now, she has spent more than one and a half-decade in this relative field. That is why she has more experience in dermatology than all other female Best Skin specialists in Lahore.
M.B.B.S. (Pb), Dip Derm (U.K), M.Sc. in Dermatology (U.K), FASDS (U.S.A.) Fellow, American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (U.S.A) Certified Obesity and Weight Management Expert